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Старый 13.12.2015, 17:11   #976
Аватар для mr.DIMAS
Регистрация: 26.12.2006
Адрес: Санкт-Петербург
Сообщений: 1,572
Написано 547 полезных сообщений
(для 1,540 пользователей)
Ответ: [TrueHorror] - разработка

Ну как бе в игре то все не так мыльно как на видосе, видос замылил бандиками и ютуб добавил.

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Старый 30.12.2015, 13:43   #977
Аватар для mr.DIMAS
Регистрация: 26.12.2006
Адрес: Санкт-Петербург
Сообщений: 1,572
Написано 547 полезных сообщений
(для 1,540 пользователей)
Ответ: [TrueHorror] - разработка

Привет пекари! Под новый год я выкладываю самый большой апдейт за всю историю игры. В общем я готовлюсь к гринлайту в стиме, планирую выйти на него в конце февраля. А сейчас полный список изменений

Версия 1.01 Stable Public Release
- Добавлен новый предмет: шприц - теперь можно лечиться
- Исправлен баг с вылетом при загрузке следующего уровня
- Изменена система предметов
- Теперь нельзя выкинуть предмет из инвентаря, таким образом удалось убрать редкие вылеты
- Теперь предметы сменяются колесиком мышки
- Исправлено дублирование предметов при загрузке сохранения
- Исправлена анимация шприца
- Устранена утечка памяти из-за ошибки в системе кэширования звуков
- Увеличена скорость загрузки посредством исправления ошибки кэширования звуков
- Добавлено управление звуками ходьбы. Теперь звук соответствует поверхности
- Устранены внезапные обрывы в музыке
- Стриминг музыки с диска теперь отлажен
- Найдено и устранено около 30 багов в звуковой системе Project F
- Достигнута стабильная работа игры без вылетов в течении длительного тестирования (1 час 20 минут)
- Убрано фоновое освещение на всех уровнях. Вместо него вокруг персонажа создан слабый источник света
- Переделан инвентарь. Теперь объекты группируются и рядом с каждой группой пишется количество объектов в группе
- Увеличена яркость зажигалки
- Теперь у зажигалки со временем заканчивается горючее (6 минут с одной заправки)
- Яркость зажигалки теперь резко обрывается, вместо плавного уменьшения яркости
- Теперь можно заправлять зажигалку
- Увеличена производительность физики
- Теперь дверь нельзя закрыть если она с чем-то контачит (например с любезно подсунутой бочкой)
- Исправлен баг с внезапной остановкой музыки на четвертом уровне
- Изменена модель освещения
- Починено отсечение по фрустуму (ну почти)
- Увеличена производительность
- Исправлен баг со звуками лазания по лестнице
- Исправлен баг с бегом вприсядку
- Добавлен Parallax Occlusion Mapping, тем самым графон стал еще лучше
- Скелетная анимация перенесена на GPU
- Изменено перемещение предметов - теперь объект захватывается за указанную точку, а не за центр
- Добавлен новый пункт настройки графики - Parallax
- Расширен второй уровень
- На втором уровне добавлена новая головоломка
- Изменен дизайн главного меню
- Исправлены баги с сохранением настроек меню
- Изменен дизайн инвентаря
- Изменен дизайн внутриигрового интерфейса
- Теперь выносливость восстанавливается только на свету
- Находясь в полной темноте главному герою начинают слышаться шепотки
- Если главный герой не находится в рядом с источником света, то источник света становится черно-белым
- Добавлен эффект шума для ч\б источников света
- При выходе в главное меню источники света становятся черно-белыми
- Проведен тотальный рефакторинг движка игры, повышена стабильность, убраны утечки памяти, вылеты и прочие гадости
- Исправлена работа надписей "Сохранено" и "Загружено"
- В связи с изменением формата сохранений, старые сохранения больше не будут работать
- Добавлены искажения на врага (эффект шума)
- Теперь звуки шагов врага соответствуют поверхности по которой он идет
- Отрегулирована дальность слышимости звуков - теперь звук не будет слышен с другого конца уровня
- Убрано изменение прозрачности интерфейса при ходьбе
- Теперь невозможно продолжить игру (а точнее уронить) с несуществующего quickSave.save
- Изменен фон главного меню
- Теперь в шахте вы появляетесь в покареженом лифте
- Исправлен баг с сохранением, когда игрок сидит вприсядку
- Доделан пятый уровень (канализация) - кроме лифта (переход на следующий уровень)
- Исправлен баг с невозможностью залезть по лестнице
- Исправлен баг с постепенным сползанием с лестницы
- Теперь с лестницы можно спрыгнуть
- Исправлен баг с ограничением угла обзора по вертикали стоя на лестнице (бесконечное вращение по вертикали)
- В канализации теперь течет вода
- Исправлено застревание врага в дверях

Порция скриншотов с нового уровня:

Без багов конечно же не обошлось - не играйте в полноэкранном режиме если нужно будет переключаться между игрой и чем-нибудь другим - я так и не отладил до конца Lost Device's.


Мне важно ваше мнение! Пожалуйста не поленитесь пройти полностью и отписаться здесь!
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Размер:	67.5 Кб
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Размер:	62.2 Кб
ID:	22183  Нажмите на изображение для увеличения
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Просмотров: 875
Размер:	81.8 Кб
ID:	22184  

Ответить с цитированием
Эти 5 пользователя(ей) сказали Спасибо mr.DIMAS за это полезное сообщение:
Arton (30.12.2015), impersonalis (30.12.2015), RegIon (30.12.2015), St_AnGer (30.12.2015), tirarex (30.12.2015)
Старый 30.12.2015, 15:34   #978
Аватар для tirarex
Регистрация: 23.11.2011
Сообщений: 863
Написано 334 полезных сообщений
(для 866 пользователей)
Ответ: [TrueHorror] - разработка

Открыл настройки управления , вернулся через esc -настройки висят на экране.
Фонарик не работает.
Фпс стабильно высокий но уровни пустые. Иногда мигают светильники.
Без амбиента вообще ничего непонятно. Серые светильники делают еще хуже.
Так и не понял как заюзать предметы. Пока втыкал что делать , меня нашел хрен , но благо я успел дать по тапкам , больше я его не видел.
Через пару минут блужданий стало скучно и я вышел.
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Старый 30.12.2015, 15:40   #979
Аватар для mr.DIMAS
Регистрация: 26.12.2006
Адрес: Санкт-Петербург
Сообщений: 1,572
Написано 547 полезных сообщений
(для 1,540 пользователей)
Ответ: [TrueHorror] - разработка

Фонарик\шприц\пистолет переключаются колесиком мышки.

Ответить с цитированием
Старый 30.12.2015, 20:03   #980
Зануда с интернетом
Аватар для impersonalis
Регистрация: 04.09.2005
Сообщений: 14,014
Написано 6,798 полезных сообщений
(для 20,935 пользователей)
Ответ: [TrueHorror] - разработка

текущая цель: отсутствует
Мир нужно делать лучше и чище. Иначе, зачем мы живем? tormoz
А я растила сына на преданьях
о принцах, троллях, потайных свиданьях,
погонях, похищениях невест.
Да кто же знал, что сказка душу съест?
Ответить с цитированием
Старый 03.01.2016, 00:55   #981
Аватар для mr.DIMAS
Регистрация: 26.12.2006
Адрес: Санкт-Петербург
Сообщений: 1,572
Написано 547 полезных сообщений
(для 1,540 пользователей)
Ответ: [TrueHorror] - разработка

Посоны, кто поиграл?

Импер, помнится ты ждал большого апдейта чтобы поиграть, таки как?
Кстати АВТЭ тоже клялся сыграть когда большой апдейт будет.

Ответить с цитированием
Старый 04.01.2016, 14:19   #982
Аватар для RegIon
Регистрация: 16.01.2010
Адрес: Новосибирск
Сообщений: 2,157
Написано 502 полезных сообщений
(для 1,012 пользователей)
Ответ: [TrueHorror] - разработка

АААА! Почему не сохраняются положения фонариков ? Я шел с ним, потом упал, и он пропал. теперь не могу найти выход и фонарик.

загрузился, а кроме досок и чувака ничего нет, постоянно с начала приходится начинать(

Сайт: http://iexpo.ml
Ответить с цитированием
Старый 04.01.2016, 15:19   #983
Аватар для mr.DIMAS
Регистрация: 26.12.2006
Адрес: Санкт-Петербург
Сообщений: 1,572
Написано 547 полезных сообщений
(для 1,540 пользователей)
Ответ: [TrueHorror] - разработка

Воу, это странно. А после чего такой баг получился (ну с пропаданием части уровня)? Я ща специально потестировал, и не смог повторить баг. Кстати игру нужно распаковывать в отдельную папку.

Кстати, ты используешь скрытность( левый Ctrl) то? Просто если находиться в скрытности то враг практически не может тебя спалить.

Ответить с цитированием
Старый 04.01.2016, 15:22   #984
Аватар для RegIon
Регистрация: 16.01.2010
Адрес: Новосибирск
Сообщений: 2,157
Написано 502 полезных сообщений
(для 1,012 пользователей)
Ответ: [TrueHorror] - разработка

Сообщение от mr.DIMAS Посмотреть сообщение
Воу, это странно. А после чего пропал такой баг получился (ну с пропаданием части уровня)? Я ща специально потестировал, и не смог повторить баг. Кстати игру нужно распаковывать в отдельную папку.

Кстати, ты используешь скрытность( левый Ctrl) то? Просто если находиться в скрытности то враг практически не может тебя спалить.
Я просто шел, потом упал на ровном месте, разбился, загрузился и встретил чувака второй раз.

Русских путей по пути нет.

0 passed as resolution, using desktop native resolution!
Direct3D 9 Created successfully!
Videomode: 320 x 200 x 32 @ 60
Videomode: 320 x 200 x 32 @ 75
Videomode: 320 x 240 x 32 @ 60
Videomode: 320 x 240 x 32 @ 75
Videomode: 400 x 300 x 32 @ 60
Videomode: 400 x 300 x 32 @ 75
Videomode: 512 x 384 x 32 @ 60
Videomode: 512 x 384 x 32 @ 75
Videomode: 640 x 400 x 32 @ 60
Videomode: 640 x 400 x 32 @ 70
Videomode: 640 x 400 x 32 @ 75
Videomode: 640 x 480 x 32 @ 59
Videomode: 640 x 480 x 32 @ 60
Videomode: 640 x 480 x 32 @ 70
Videomode: 640 x 480 x 32 @ 72
Videomode: 640 x 480 x 32 @ 75
Videomode: 800 x 600 x 32 @ 60
Videomode: 800 x 600 x 32 @ 72
Videomode: 800 x 600 x 32 @ 75
Videomode: 1024 x 768 x 32 @ 60
Videomode: 1024 x 768 x 32 @ 70
Videomode: 1024 x 768 x 32 @ 75
Videomode: 1152 x 864 x 32 @ 60
Videomode: 1152 x 864 x 32 @ 75
Videomode: 1280 x 600 x 32 @ 60
Videomode: 1280 x 600 x 32 @ 75
Videomode: 1280 x 720 x 32 @ 60
Videomode: 1280 x 720 x 32 @ 75
Videomode: 1280 x 768 x 32 @ 60
Videomode: 1280 x 768 x 32 @ 75
Videomode: 1280 x 800 x 32 @ 60
Videomode: 1280 x 800 x 32 @ 75
Videomode: 1280 x 960 x 32 @ 60
Videomode: 1280 x 960 x 32 @ 75
Videomode: 1280 x 1024 x 32 @ 60
Videomode: 1280 x 1024 x 32 @ 75
Videomode: 1360 x 768 x 32 @ 60
Videomode: 1366 x 768 x 32 @ 60
Setting resolution 1280 x 1024...
Direct3D 9 Device Created successfully!
PF Event: ===== PF Initializing =====
PF Event: Available devices: Generic Software
PF Event: OpenAL initialization...
PF Event: Device initialized successfully!
PF Event: Context created successfully!
PF Event: ======= DEVICE SPECS ========
PF Event: Frequency: 44100
PF Event: Refresh rate: 40
PF Event: Max mono sources: 0
PF Event: Max stereo sources: 256
PF Event: EFX extension supported!
PF Event: alGenEffects Yes
PF Event: alGenFilters Yes
PF Event: alFilterf Yes
PF Event: alFilteri Yes
PF Event: alGetFilterf Yes
PF Event: alDeleteEffects Yes
PF Event: alIsEffect Yes
PF Event: alGenAuxiliaryEffectSlots Yes
PF Event: alEffecti Yes
PF Event: alEffectf Yes
PF Event: alAuxiliaryEffectSloti Yes
PF Event: alDeleteAuxiliaryEffectSlots Yes
PF Event: alEffectfv Yes
New vertex shader successfully created from data/shaders/quad.vso binary!
New pixel shader successfully created from data/shaders/fxaa.pso binary!
New vertex shader successfully created from data/shaders/quad.vso binary!
New pixel shader successfully created from data/shaders/deferredSpotLight.pso binary!
New pixel shader successfully created from data/shaders/deferredSpotLightShadows.pso binary!
New pixel shader successfully created from data/shaders/deferredAmbientLight.pso binary!
New pixel shader successfully created from data/shaders/deferredPointLight.pso binary!
New pixel shader successfully created from data/shaders/deferredPointLightTexProj.pso binary!
New pixel shader successfully created from data/shaders/boundingVolume.pso binary!
New vertex shader successfully created from data/shaders/spotShadowMap.vso binary!
New pixel shader successfully created from data/shaders/spotShadowMap.pso binary!
New vertex shader successfully created from data/shaders/skybox.vso binary!
New pixel shader successfully created from data/shaders/skybox.pso binary!
New pixel shader successfully created from data/shaders/postprocessingMask.pso binary!
New pixel shader successfully created from data/shaders/postprocessing.pso binary!
New vertex shader successfully created from data/shaders/postprocessing.vso binary!
New vertex shader successfully created from data/shaders/postprocessingSkin.vso binary!
New vertex shader successfully created from data/shaders/quad.vso binary!
New pixel shader successfully created from data/shaders/hdrTonemap.pso binary!
New vertex shader successfully created from data/shaders/quad.vso binary!
New pixel shader successfully created from data/shaders/hdrScale.pso binary!
New pixel shader successfully created from data/shaders/hdrAdaptation.pso binary!
New pixel shader successfully created from data/shaders/hdrDownscale.pso binary!
New vertex shader successfully created from data/shaders/deferredGBufferPOM.vso binary!
New pixel shader successfully created from data/shaders/deferredGBufferPOM.pso binary!
New vertex shader successfully created from data/shaders/deferredGBuffer.vso binary!
New pixel shader successfully created from data/shaders/deferredGBuffer.pso binary!
New vertex shader successfully created from data/shaders/deferredGBufferSkin.vso binary!
New pixel shader successfully created from data/shaders/deferredGBufferSkin.pso binary!
New vertex shader successfully created from data/shaders/forwardTransparent.vso binary!
New pixel shader successfully created from data/shaders/forwardTransparent.pso binary!
New vertex shader successfully created from data/shaders/particle.vso binary!
New pixel shader successfully created from data/shaders/particle.pso binary!
New vertex shader successfully created from data/shaders/particleLighting.vso binary!
New vertex shader successfully created from data/shaders/gui.vso binary!
New pixel shader successfully created from data/shaders/gui.pso binary!
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/spotlight.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/bronze.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/bronze_normal.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/mossy1.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/mossy1_normal.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/mud2.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/mud2_normal.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/mossy2.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/mossy2_normal.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/mossy2ground.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/mossy2ground_normal.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/wood1.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/wood1_normal.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/rock2.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/rock2_normal.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/box.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/box_normal.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/rustymetal.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/rustymetal_normal.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/rust.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/rust_normal.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/metal_zinc.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/metal_zinc_normal.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/bulb.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/bulb_normal.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/metal8.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/metal8_normal.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/metal_rusted.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/metal_rusted_normal.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/black.dds
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/sounds/menupick.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 1 sounds created
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/music/menu.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 2 sounds created
Texture successfully loaded: data/gui/menu/button.tga
Texture successfully loaded: data/gui/menu/tab.tga
Texture successfully loaded: data/gui/menu/checkbox_checked.tga
Texture successfully loaded: data/gui/menu/smallbutton.tga
Texture successfully loaded: data/gui/menu/checkbox.tga
Texture successfully loaded: data/textures/skyboxes/night3/nightsky_b.jpg
Texture successfully loaded: data/textures/skyboxes/night3/nightsky_f.jpg
Texture successfully loaded: data/textures/skyboxes/night3/nightsky_r.jpg
Texture successfully loaded: data/textures/skyboxes/night3/nightsky_l.jpg
Texture successfully loaded: data/textures/skyboxes/night3/nightsky_u.jpg
Texture successfully loaded: data/gui/cursor.tga
Texture successfully loaded: data/gui/loadingscreen.tga
Texture successfully loaded: data/gui/inventory/back.tga
Texture successfully loaded: data/gui/inventory/item.tga
Texture successfully loaded: data/gui/inventory/button.tga
PF Event: Data data/sounds/menupick.ogg already loaded! Using existing...
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 3 sounds created
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/sounds/menuhit.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 4 sounds created
Texture successfully loaded: data/gui/statusbar.tga
Texture successfully loaded: data/gui/up.tga
Texture successfully loaded: data/gui/down.tga
Texture successfully loaded: data/gui/crosshair.tga
Texture successfully loaded: data/textures/effects/eye.png
Texture successfully loaded: data/textures/effects/damageBackground.tga
PF Error: File does not exist: 'data/sounds/lighter_close.ogg'
PF Error: Data -665 source is bad!
PF Error: File does not exist: 'data/sounds/lighter_open.ogg'
PF Error: Data -665 source is bad!
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/sounds/heart.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 5 sounds created
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/sounds/breath.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 6 sounds created
Texture successfully loaded: data/gui/fatigue.png
Texture successfully loaded: data/gui/life.png
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/sounds/player/grunt1.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 7 sounds created
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/sounds/player/grunt2.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 8 sounds created
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/sounds/player/grunt3.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 9 sounds created
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/sounds/whispers.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 10 sounds created
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/sounds/stonestep1.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 11 sounds created
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/sounds/stonestep5.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 12 sounds created
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/sounds/stonestep7.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 13 sounds created
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/sounds/stonestep8.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 14 sounds created
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/sounds/stonestep9.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 15 sounds created
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/sounds/stonestep10.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 16 sounds created
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/sounds/stonestep11.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 17 sounds created
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/sounds/stonestep12.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 18 sounds created
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/sounds/footsteps/FootStep_shoe_metal_step1.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 19 sounds created
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/sounds/footsteps/FootStep_shoe_metal_step2.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 20 sounds created
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/sounds/footsteps/FootStep_shoe_metal_step3.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 21 sounds created
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/sounds/footsteps/FootStep_shoe_metal_step4.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 22 sounds created
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/sounds/footsteps/FootStep_shoe_wood_step1.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 23 sounds created
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/sounds/footsteps/FootStep_shoe_wood_step2.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 24 sounds created
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/sounds/footsteps/FootStep_shoe_wood_step3.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 25 sounds created
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/sounds/footsteps/FootStep_shoe_wood_step4.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 26 sounds created
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/sounds/footsteps/FootStep_shoe_gravel_step1.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 27 sounds created
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/sounds/footsteps/FootStep_shoe_gravel_step2.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 28 sounds created
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/sounds/footsteps/FootStep_shoe_gravel_step3.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 29 sounds created
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/sounds/footsteps/FootStep_shoe_gravel_step4.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 30 sounds created
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/sounds/footsteps/FootStep_shoe_muddy_stone_step1.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 31 sounds created
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/sounds/footsteps/FootStep_shoe_muddy_stone_step2.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 32 sounds created
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/sounds/footsteps/FootStep_shoe_muddy_stone_step3.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 33 sounds created
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/sounds/footsteps/FootStep_shoe_muddy_stone_step4.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 34 sounds created
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/sounds/footsteps/FootStep_shoe_stone_step1.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 35 sounds created
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/sounds/footsteps/FootStep_shoe_stone_step2.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 36 sounds created
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/sounds/footsteps/FootStep_shoe_stone_step3.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 37 sounds created
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/sounds/footsteps/FootStep_shoe_stone_step4.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 38 sounds created
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/sounds/footsteps/FootStep_shoe_grass_step1.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 39 sounds created
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/sounds/footsteps/FootStep_shoe_grass_step2.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 40 sounds created
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/sounds/footsteps/FootStep_shoe_grass_step3.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 41 sounds created
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/sounds/footsteps/FootStep_shoe_grass_step4.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 42 sounds created
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/sounds/footsteps/FootStep_shoe_soil_step1.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 43 sounds created
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/sounds/footsteps/FootStep_shoe_soil_step2.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 44 sounds created
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/sounds/footsteps/FootStep_shoe_soil_step3.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 45 sounds created
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/sounds/footsteps/FootStep_shoe_chain1.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 46 sounds created
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/sounds/footsteps/FootStep_shoe_chain2.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 47 sounds created
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/sounds/footsteps/FootStep_shoe_chain3.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 48 sounds created
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/sounds/footsteps/FootStep_shoe_chain4.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 49 sounds created
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/sounds/footsteps/FootStep_shoe_mud1.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 50 sounds created
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/sounds/footsteps/FootStep_shoe_mud2.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 51 sounds created
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/sounds/footsteps/FootStep_shoe_mud3.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 52 sounds created
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/sounds/footsteps/FootStep_shoe_mud4.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 53 sounds created
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/hands.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/hands_normal.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/metal_steel2.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/metal_steel2_normal.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/grayplastic.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/grayplastic_normal.dds
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/sounds/lighter/open.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 54 sounds created
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/sounds/lighter/close.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 55 sounds created
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/sounds/lighter/fire.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 56 sounds created
Texture successfully loaded: data/textures/particles/p1.png
Texture successfully loaded: data/gui/inventory/items/lighter.png
Added item!1
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/grass3.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/grass3_normal.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/rock_mud.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/rock_mud_normal.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/ConcreteBare0174_5_S.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/ConcreteBare0174_5_S_normal.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/gravel.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/gravel_normal.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/planks2.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/planks2_normal.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/lampstand.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/lampstand_normal.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/ANFO.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/ANFO_normal.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/explosive.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/explosive_normal.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/Various0712_1_S.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/Various0712_1_S_normal.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/mossy_to_mud.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/mossy_to_mud_normal.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/page.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/page_normal.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/plank.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/plank_normal.dds
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/sounds/wood_plank_hit.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 57 sounds created
PF Event: Data data/sounds/wood_plank_hit.ogg already loaded! Using existing...
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 58 sounds created
PF Event: Data data/sounds/wood_plank_hit.ogg already loaded! Using existing...
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 59 sounds created
PF Event: Data data/sounds/wood_plank_hit.ogg already loaded! Using existing...
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 60 sounds created
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/MetalBase0108_2_S.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/MetalBase0108_2_S_normal.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/panel2.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/panel2_normal.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/barrel.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/barrel_normal.dds
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/sounds/barrel_kick.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 61 sounds created
WARNING: Unable to load data/textures/generic/torec_old.tga texture!
WARNING: Unable to load data/textures/generic/torec_old_normal.tga texture!
WARNING: Unable to load data/textures/generic/torec_old.tga texture!
WARNING: Unable to load data/textures/generic/torec_old_normal.tga texture!
WARNING: Unable to load data/textures/generic/torec_old.tga texture!
WARNING: Unable to load data/textures/generic/torec_old_normal.tga texture!
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/white.dds
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/sounds/metal_hit.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 62 sounds created
PF Event: Data data/sounds/metal_hit.ogg already loaded! Using existing...
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 63 sounds created
PF Event: Data data/sounds/metal_hit.ogg already loaded! Using existing...
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 64 sounds created
PF Event: Data data/sounds/metal_hit.ogg already loaded! Using existing...
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 65 sounds created
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/yellow.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/yellow_normal.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/detonator_diff.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/detonator_diff_normal.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/rubber.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/rubber_normal.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/white_normal.dds
WARNING: Unable to load data/textures/generic/torec_old.tga texture!
WARNING: Unable to load data/textures/generic/torec_old_normal.tga texture!
PF Event: Data data/sounds/metal_hit.ogg already loaded! Using existing...
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 66 sounds created
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/metal_steel.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/metal_steel_normal.dds
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/sounds/metal_cup.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 67 sounds created
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/greenglass.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/greenglass_normal.dds
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/sounds/glass_bottle.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 68 sounds created
PF Event: Data data/sounds/glass_bottle.ogg already loaded! Using existing...
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 69 sounds created
PF Event: Data data/sounds/metal_cup.ogg already loaded! Using existing...
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 70 sounds created
PF Event: Data data/sounds/metal_cup.ogg already loaded! Using existing...
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 71 sounds created
WARNING: Unable to load data/textures/generic/torec_old.tga texture!
WARNING: Unable to load data/textures/generic/torec_old_normal.tga texture!
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/wood2.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/wood2_normal.dds
PF Event: Data data/sounds/metal_hit.ogg already loaded! Using existing...
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 72 sounds created
PF Event: Data data/sounds/metal_hit.ogg already loaded! Using existing...
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 73 sounds created
PF Event: Data data/sounds/metal_hit.ogg already loaded! Using existing...
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 74 sounds created
PF Event: Data data/sounds/metal_hit.ogg already loaded! Using existing...
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 75 sounds created
PF Event: Data data/sounds/metal_hit.ogg already loaded! Using existing...
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 76 sounds created
PF Event: Data data/sounds/metal_hit.ogg already loaded! Using existing...
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 77 sounds created
WARNING: Unable to load data/textures/generic/torec_old.tga texture!
WARNING: Unable to load data/textures/generic/torec_old_normal.tga texture!
WARNING: Unable to load data/textures/generic/torec_old.tga texture!
WARNING: Unable to load data/textures/generic/torec_old_normal.tga texture!
WARNING: Unable to load data/textures/generic/torec_old.tga texture!
WARNING: Unable to load data/textures/generic/torec_old_normal.tga texture!
WARNING: Unable to load data/textures/generic/torec_old.tga texture!
WARNING: Unable to load data/textures/generic/torec_old_normal.tga texture!
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/waypoint.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/waypoint_normal.dds
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/sounds/stonehit1.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 78 sounds created
PF Event: Data data/sounds/stonehit1.ogg already loaded! Using existing...
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 79 sounds created
PF Event: Data data/sounds/wood_plank_hit.ogg already loaded! Using existing...
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 80 sounds created
PF Event: Data data/sounds/wood_plank_hit.ogg already loaded! Using existing...
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 81 sounds created
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/dt.dds
WARNING: Unable to load data/textures/generic/dt_normal.jpg texture!
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/rubi_izarra1.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/rubi_izarra1_normal.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/bronze2.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/bronze2_normal.dds
WARNING: Unable to load data/textures/generic/dt_normal.jpg texture!
WARNING: Unable to load data/textures/generic/dt_normal.jpg texture!
WARNING: Unable to load data/textures/generic/dt_normal.jpg texture!
WARNING: Unable to load data/textures/generic/dt_normal.jpg texture!
WARNING: Unable to load data/textures/generic/dt_normal.jpg texture!
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/syringe.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/morphine.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/morphine_normal.dds
WARNING: Unable to load data/textures/generic/torec_old.tga texture!
WARNING: Unable to load data/textures/generic/torec_old_normal.tga texture!
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/rock3.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/rock3_normal.dds
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/sounds/rockfall.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 82 sounds created
WARNING: Unable to load data/textures/generic/torec_old.tga texture!
WARNING: Unable to load data/textures/generic/torec_old_normal.tga texture!
PF Event: Data data/sounds/metal_hit.ogg already loaded! Using existing...
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 83 sounds created
PF Event: Data data/sounds/metal_hit.ogg already loaded! Using existing...
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 84 sounds created
PF Event: Data data/sounds/metal_hit.ogg already loaded! Using existing...
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 85 sounds created
PF Event: Data data/sounds/metal_hit.ogg already loaded! Using existing...
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 86 sounds created
Texture successfully loaded: data/gui/sheet.tga
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/sounds/paperflip.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 87 sounds created
PF Event: Data data/sounds/paperflip.ogg already loaded! Using existing...
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 88 sounds created
PF Event: Data data/sounds/paperflip.ogg already loaded! Using existing...
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 89 sounds created
PF Event: Data data/sounds/paperflip.ogg already loaded! Using existing...
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 90 sounds created
PF Event: Data data/sounds/paperflip.ogg already loaded! Using existing...
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 91 sounds created
PF Event: Data data/sounds/paperflip.ogg already loaded! Using existing...
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 92 sounds created
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/music/chapter2.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 93 sounds created
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/sounds/alert.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 94 sounds created
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/sounds/blast.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 95 sounds created
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/sounds/ambient/mine/ambientmine1.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 96 sounds created
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/sounds/ambient/mine/ambientmine2.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 97 sounds created
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/sounds/ambient/mine/ambientmine3.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 98 sounds created
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/sounds/ambient/mine/ambientmine4.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 99 sounds created
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/sounds/ambient/mine/ambientmine5.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 100 sounds created
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/sounds/door/dooropen.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 101 sounds created
PF Error: OpenAL Error AL_INVALID_VALUE occured in file ..\src\sound.cpp in line 225 in func pfSetRoomRolloffFactor
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/sounds/door/doorclose.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 102 sounds created
PF Error: OpenAL Error AL_INVALID_VALUE occured in file ..\src\sound.cpp in line 225 in func pfSetRoomRolloffFactor
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/skin.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/skin_normal.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/flashlightspot.dds
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/sounds/armor_axe_flesh.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 103 sounds created
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/sounds/breath1.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 104 sounds created
PF Error: OpenAL Error AL_INVALID_VALUE occured in file ..\src\sound.cpp in line 225 in func pfSetRoomRolloffFactor
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/sounds/scream_creepy_1.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 105 sounds created
PF Error: OpenAL Error AL_INVALID_VALUE occured in file ..\src\sound.cpp in line 225 in func pfSetRoomRolloffFactor
PF Event: Loading ogg file: 'data/sounds/fadeaway.ogg'
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 106 sounds created
PF Event: Data data/sounds/stonestep1.ogg already loaded! Using existing...
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 107 sounds created
PF Event: Data data/sounds/stonestep5.ogg already loaded! Using existing...
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 108 sounds created
PF Event: Data data/sounds/stonestep7.ogg already loaded! Using existing...
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 109 sounds created
PF Event: Data data/sounds/stonestep8.ogg already loaded! Using existing...
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 110 sounds created
PF Event: Data data/sounds/stonestep9.ogg already loaded! Using existing...
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 111 sounds created
PF Event: Data data/sounds/stonestep10.ogg already loaded! Using existing...
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 112 sounds created
PF Event: Data data/sounds/stonestep11.ogg already loaded! Using existing...
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 113 sounds created
PF Event: Data data/sounds/stonestep12.ogg already loaded! Using existing...
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 114 sounds created
PF Event: Data data/sounds/footsteps/FootStep_shoe_metal_step1.ogg already loaded! Using existing...
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 115 sounds created
PF Event: Data data/sounds/footsteps/FootStep_shoe_metal_step2.ogg already loaded! Using existing...
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 116 sounds created
PF Event: Data data/sounds/footsteps/FootStep_shoe_metal_step3.ogg already loaded! Using existing...
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 117 sounds created
PF Event: Data data/sounds/footsteps/FootStep_shoe_metal_step4.ogg already loaded! Using existing...
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 118 sounds created
PF Event: Data data/sounds/footsteps/FootStep_shoe_wood_step1.ogg already loaded! Using existing...
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 119 sounds created
PF Event: Data data/sounds/footsteps/FootStep_shoe_wood_step2.ogg already loaded! Using existing...
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 120 sounds created
PF Event: Data data/sounds/footsteps/FootStep_shoe_wood_step3.ogg already loaded! Using existing...
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 121 sounds created
PF Event: Data data/sounds/footsteps/FootStep_shoe_wood_step4.ogg already loaded! Using existing...
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 122 sounds created
PF Event: Data data/sounds/footsteps/FootStep_shoe_gravel_step1.ogg already loaded! Using existing...
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 123 sounds created
PF Event: Data data/sounds/footsteps/FootStep_shoe_gravel_step2.ogg already loaded! Using existing...
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 124 sounds created
PF Event: Data data/sounds/footsteps/FootStep_shoe_gravel_step3.ogg already loaded! Using existing...
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 125 sounds created
PF Event: Data data/sounds/footsteps/FootStep_shoe_gravel_step4.ogg already loaded! Using existing...
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 126 sounds created
PF Event: Data data/sounds/footsteps/FootStep_shoe_muddy_stone_step1.ogg already loaded! Using existing...
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 127 sounds created
PF Event: Data data/sounds/footsteps/FootStep_shoe_muddy_stone_step2.ogg already loaded! Using existing...
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 128 sounds created
PF Event: Data data/sounds/footsteps/FootStep_shoe_muddy_stone_step3.ogg already loaded! Using existing...
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 129 sounds created
PF Event: Data data/sounds/footsteps/FootStep_shoe_muddy_stone_step4.ogg already loaded! Using existing...
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 130 sounds created
PF Event: Data data/sounds/footsteps/FootStep_shoe_stone_step1.ogg already loaded! Using existing...
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 131 sounds created
PF Event: Data data/sounds/footsteps/FootStep_shoe_stone_step2.ogg already loaded! Using existing...
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 132 sounds created
PF Event: Data data/sounds/footsteps/FootStep_shoe_stone_step3.ogg already loaded! Using existing...
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 133 sounds created
PF Event: Data data/sounds/footsteps/FootStep_shoe_stone_step4.ogg already loaded! Using existing...
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 134 sounds created
PF Event: Data data/sounds/footsteps/FootStep_shoe_grass_step1.ogg already loaded! Using existing...
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 135 sounds created
PF Event: Data data/sounds/footsteps/FootStep_shoe_grass_step2.ogg already loaded! Using existing...
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 136 sounds created
PF Event: Data data/sounds/footsteps/FootStep_shoe_grass_step3.ogg already loaded! Using existing...
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 137 sounds created
PF Event: Data data/sounds/footsteps/FootStep_shoe_grass_step4.ogg already loaded! Using existing...
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 138 sounds created
PF Event: Data data/sounds/footsteps/FootStep_shoe_soil_step1.ogg already loaded! Using existing...
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 139 sounds created
PF Event: Data data/sounds/footsteps/FootStep_shoe_soil_step2.ogg already loaded! Using existing...
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 140 sounds created
PF Event: Data data/sounds/footsteps/FootStep_shoe_soil_step3.ogg already loaded! Using existing...
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 141 sounds created
PF Event: Data data/sounds/footsteps/FootStep_shoe_chain1.ogg already loaded! Using existing...
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 142 sounds created
PF Event: Data data/sounds/footsteps/FootStep_shoe_chain2.ogg already loaded! Using existing...
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 143 sounds created
PF Event: Data data/sounds/footsteps/FootStep_shoe_chain3.ogg already loaded! Using existing...
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 144 sounds created
PF Event: Data data/sounds/footsteps/FootStep_shoe_chain4.ogg already loaded! Using existing...
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 145 sounds created
PF Event: Data data/sounds/footsteps/FootStep_shoe_mud1.ogg already loaded! Using existing...
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 146 sounds created
PF Event: Data data/sounds/footsteps/FootStep_shoe_mud2.ogg already loaded! Using existing...
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 147 sounds created
PF Event: Data data/sounds/footsteps/FootStep_shoe_mud3.ogg already loaded! Using existing...
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 148 sounds created
PF Event: Data data/sounds/footsteps/FootStep_shoe_mud4.ogg already loaded! Using existing...
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 149 sounds created
PF Error: OpenAL Error AL_INVALID_VALUE occured in file ..\src\sound.cpp in line 225 in func pfSetRoomRolloffFactor
PF Error: OpenAL Error AL_INVALID_VALUE occured in file ..\src\sound.cpp in line 225 in func pfSetRoomRolloffFactor
PF Error: OpenAL Error AL_INVALID_VALUE occured in file ..\src\sound.cpp in line 225 in func pfSetRoomRolloffFactor
PF Error: OpenAL Error AL_INVALID_VALUE occured in file ..\src\sound.cpp in line 225 in func pfSetRoomRolloffFactor
PF Error: OpenAL Error AL_INVALID_VALUE occured in file ..\src\sound.cpp in line 225 in func pfSetRoomRolloffFactor
PF Error: OpenAL Error AL_INVALID_VALUE occured in file ..\src\sound.cpp in line 225 in func pfSetRoomRolloffFactor
PF Error: OpenAL Error AL_INVALID_VALUE occured in file ..\src\sound.cpp in line 225 in func pfSetRoomRolloffFactor
PF Error: OpenAL Error AL_INVALID_VALUE occured in file ..\src\sound.cpp in line 225 in func pfSetRoomRolloffFactor
PF Error: OpenAL Error AL_INVALID_VALUE occured in file ..\src\sound.cpp in line 225 in func pfSetRoomRolloffFactor
PF Error: OpenAL Error AL_INVALID_VALUE occured in file ..\src\sound.cpp in line 225 in func pfSetRoomRolloffFactor
PF Error: OpenAL Error AL_INVALID_VALUE occured in file ..\src\sound.cpp in line 225 in func pfSetRoomRolloffFactor
PF Error: OpenAL Error AL_INVALID_VALUE occured in file ..\src\sound.cpp in line 225 in func pfSetRoomRolloffFactor
PF Error: OpenAL Error AL_INVALID_VALUE occured in file ..\src\sound.cpp in line 225 in func pfSetRoomRolloffFactor
PF Error: OpenAL Error AL_INVALID_VALUE occured in file ..\src\sound.cpp in line 225 in func pfSetRoomRolloffFactor
PF Error: OpenAL Error AL_INVALID_VALUE occured in file ..\src\sound.cpp in line 225 in func pfSetRoomRolloffFactor
PF Error: OpenAL Error AL_INVALID_VALUE occured in file ..\src\sound.cpp in line 225 in func pfSetRoomRolloffFactor
PF Error: OpenAL Error AL_INVALID_VALUE occured in file ..\src\sound.cpp in line 225 in func pfSetRoomRolloffFactor
PF Error: OpenAL Error AL_INVALID_VALUE occured in file ..\src\sound.cpp in line 225 in func pfSetRoomRolloffFactor
PF Error: OpenAL Error AL_INVALID_VALUE occured in file ..\src\sound.cpp in line 225 in func pfSetRoomRolloffFactor
PF Error: OpenAL Error AL_INVALID_VALUE occured in file ..\src\sound.cpp in line 225 in func pfSetRoomRolloffFactor
PF Error: OpenAL Error AL_INVALID_VALUE occured in file ..\src\sound.cpp in line 225 in func pfSetRoomRolloffFactor
PF Error: OpenAL Error AL_INVALID_VALUE occured in file ..\src\sound.cpp in line 225 in func pfSetRoomRolloffFactor
PF Error: OpenAL Error AL_INVALID_VALUE occured in file ..\src\sound.cpp in line 225 in func pfSetRoomRolloffFactor
PF Error: OpenAL Error AL_INVALID_VALUE occured in file ..\src\sound.cpp in line 225 in func pfSetRoomRolloffFactor
PF Error: OpenAL Error AL_INVALID_VALUE occured in file ..\src\sound.cpp in line 225 in func pfSetRoomRolloffFactor
PF Error: OpenAL Error AL_INVALID_VALUE occured in file ..\src\sound.cpp in line 225 in func pfSetRoomRolloffFactor
PF Error: OpenAL Error AL_INVALID_VALUE occured in file ..\src\sound.cpp in line 225 in func pfSetRoomRolloffFactor
PF Error: OpenAL Error AL_INVALID_VALUE occured in file ..\src\sound.cpp in line 225 in func pfSetRoomRolloffFactor
PF Error: OpenAL Error AL_INVALID_VALUE occured in file ..\src\sound.cpp in line 225 in func pfSetRoomRolloffFactor
PF Error: OpenAL Error AL_INVALID_VALUE occured in file ..\src\sound.cpp in line 225 in func pfSetRoomRolloffFactor
PF Error: OpenAL Error AL_INVALID_VALUE occured in file ..\src\sound.cpp in line 225 in func pfSetRoomRolloffFactor
PF Error: OpenAL Error AL_INVALID_VALUE occured in file ..\src\sound.cpp in line 225 in func pfSetRoomRolloffFactor
PF Error: OpenAL Error AL_INVALID_VALUE occured in file ..\src\sound.cpp in line 225 in func pfSetRoomRolloffFactor
PF Error: OpenAL Error AL_INVALID_VALUE occured in file ..\src\sound.cpp in line 225 in func pfSetRoomRolloffFactor
PF Error: OpenAL Error AL_INVALID_VALUE occured in file ..\src\sound.cpp in line 225 in func pfSetRoomRolloffFactor
PF Error: OpenAL Error AL_INVALID_VALUE occured in file ..\src\sound.cpp in line 225 in func pfSetRoomRolloffFactor
PF Error: OpenAL Error AL_INVALID_VALUE occured in file ..\src\sound.cpp in line 225 in func pfSetRoomRolloffFactor
PF Error: OpenAL Error AL_INVALID_VALUE occured in file ..\src\sound.cpp in line 225 in func pfSetRoomRolloffFactor
PF Error: OpenAL Error AL_INVALID_VALUE occured in file ..\src\sound.cpp in line 225 in func pfSetRoomRolloffFactor
PF Error: OpenAL Error AL_INVALID_VALUE occured in file ..\src\sound.cpp in line 225 in func pfSetRoomRolloffFactor
PF Error: OpenAL Error AL_INVALID_VALUE occured in file ..\src\sound.cpp in line 225 in func pfSetRoomRolloffFactor
PF Error: OpenAL Error AL_INVALID_VALUE occured in file ..\src\sound.cpp in line 225 in func pfSetRoomRolloffFactor
PF Error: OpenAL Error AL_INVALID_VALUE occured in file ..\src\sound.cpp in line 225 in func pfSetRoomRolloffFactor
way count1
PF Event: Data data/sounds/lighter/open.ogg already loaded! Using existing...
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 150 sounds created
PF Event: Data data/sounds/lighter/close.ogg already loaded! Using existing...
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 151 sounds created
PF Event: Data data/sounds/lighter/fire.ogg already loaded! Using existing...
PF Event: Trying to allocate buffer...
PF Event: Success. 152 sounds created
PF Event: Sound deleted! 151 sounds left
PF Event: Sound deleted! 150 sounds left
PF Event: Sound deleted! 149 sounds left
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/brick2.dds
Texture successfully loaded from DDS cache: ./cache/brick2_normal.dds
Texture successfully loaded: data/gui/inventory/items/item_syringe.png
Added item!2
Texture successfully loaded: data/gui/inventory/items/fuel.png
Сайт: http://iexpo.ml
Ответить с цитированием
Старый 04.01.2016, 15:29   #985
Аватар для mr.DIMAS
Регистрация: 26.12.2006
Адрес: Санкт-Петербург
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Ответ: [TrueHorror] - разработка

Хм, странно, очень странно. В общем чтобы продолжить играть с шахты, нужно в mine.cfg изменить levelNum = "3";

А вообще лучше сохраняться на отдельные слоты, также в игре есть автосохранение каждые 30 секунд, сохранение пишется в autoSave.save

И вообще, этот баг постоянно проявляется или нет?

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Старый 04.01.2016, 17:12   #986
Аватар для RegIon
Регистрация: 16.01.2010
Адрес: Новосибирск
Сообщений: 2,157
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Ответ: [TrueHorror] - разработка

Сообщение от mr.DIMAS Посмотреть сообщение
Хм, странно, очень странно. В общем чтобы продолжить играть с шахты, нужно в mine.cfg изменить levelNum = "3";

А вообще лучше сохраняться на отдельные слоты, также в игре есть автосохранение каждые 30 секунд, сохранение пишется в autoSave.save

И вообще, этот баг постоянно проявляется или нет?
Просто в шахтах нужно проходить все враз, без загрузок.
Сайт: http://iexpo.ml
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mr.DIMAS (04.01.2016)
Старый 04.01.2016, 17:20   #987
Аватар для mr.DIMAS
Регистрация: 26.12.2006
Адрес: Санкт-Петербург
Сообщений: 1,572
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(для 1,540 пользователей)
Ответ: [TrueHorror] - разработка

Даже не знаю откуда начать поиски бага, если коллизии работают, то скорее всего отваливается графика, ладно в общем буду искать. А ты до куда прошел?

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Старый 04.01.2016, 17:37   #988
Аватар для RegIon
Регистрация: 16.01.2010
Адрес: Новосибирск
Сообщений: 2,157
Написано 502 полезных сообщений
(для 1,012 пользователей)
Ответ: [TrueHorror] - разработка

Сообщение от mr.DIMAS Посмотреть сообщение
Даже не знаю откуда начать поиски бага, если коллизии работают, то скорее всего отваливается графика, ладно в общем буду искать. А ты до куда прошел?
Я не знаю, я дошел раз до лестницы, залез на нее и упал - загрузился и вуаля: нету лестницы и вообще всего, кроме вагонетки и опор.
Второй и 3 раз я до нее не дошел.
Сайт: http://iexpo.ml
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Старый 05.01.2016, 02:57   #989
Аватар для tirarex
Регистрация: 23.11.2011
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Ответ: [TrueHorror] - разработка

Я писал что свет мигает , но амбиент черный , возможно конечно у меня модели так мигают.

Ati radeon hd 4650
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mr.DIMAS (05.01.2016)
Старый 05.01.2016, 04:10   #990
Аватар для mr.DIMAS
Регистрация: 26.12.2006
Адрес: Санкт-Петербург
Сообщений: 1,572
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(для 1,540 пользователей)
Ответ: [TrueHorror] - разработка

Видос бы, а то так трудно сообразить. Вполне вероятно что из-за низкого фпс (а он у всех низкий, купите себе нормальные видюхи уже) occlusion query слишком долго думает, и карта источников света медленно заполняется

Амбиент черный - так надо.

если уж совсем не пройти уровень, вбей levelNum = "4"; в mine.cfg.

tirarex побегай по другим уровням тоже, наверняка 5 минут "играл", мало же

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