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Старый 08.02.2013, 18:29   #160
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Ответ: Вопросы про Xors3D

я нашёл шейдер из срусиса
SSAO не подскажите как заюзать в ксорсе

// Crytek Engine Shader Source File
// Copyright (C), Crytek Studios, 2001-2007
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// File name: AmbientOcclusion.cfx
// Version: v1.00
// Created: 04/12/2006 by Vladimir Kajalin
// Description: Implementation of SSAO, TerrainAO (2.5 D maps), Fill lights
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// History:

#include "Common.cfi"
#include "ModificatorVT.cfi"

// Shader global descriptions
string Script =
"ShaderDrawType = Custom;"
"ShaderType = PostProcess;"

// original depth target
sampler2D sceneDepthSampler = sampler_state
Texture = $ZTarget;
MinFilter = POINT;
MagFilter = POINT;
MipFilter = POINT;
AddressU = Clamp;
AddressV = Clamp;

// downscaled depth target
sampler2D sceneDepthSamplerAO = sampler_state
Texture = $ZTargetScaled;
MinFilter = POINT;
MagFilter = POINT;
MipFilter = POINT;
AddressU = Clamp;
AddressV = Clamp;

sampler2D depthTargetSampler : register(s0);
sampler2D TerrainInfoSampler0 : register(s1);
sampler2D TerrainInfoSampler1 : register(s2);

#include "ShadowCommon.cfi"

//================================================== =========================

float4 AOSectorRange;
float4 TerrainAOInfo;
float4 FillLightPos;
float4 FillLightColor;
float4 SSAO_params
float4x4 CompMatrix : PI_Composite;

// structs

struct pixout_cl
float4 Color : COLOR0;

struct vert2fragSSAO
float4 HPosition : POSITION;
float4 ScreenTC : TEXCOORD0;
float3 WS_ViewVect: TEXCOORD1;

struct app2vertShadow
float3 viewDir : TEXCOORD1;

vert2fragSSAO Deferred_SSAO_Pass_VS(app2vertShadow IN)
vert2fragSSAO OUT;
#ifndef OPENGL
OUT = (vert2fragSSAO)0;

OUT.HPosition = mul(CompMatrix, IN.Position);
OUT.ScreenTC.xy = IN.baseTC.xy;
OUT.ScreenTC.zw = IN.baseTC.xy*g_VS_ScreenSize.xy/4;
OUT.WS_ViewVect = IN.viewDir;

return OUT;

///////////////// shadows pixel shader //////////////////
/*pixout_cl AmbientShadowMaskPS(vert2fragShadowNew IN)
pixout_cl OUT;

float SceneDepth = tex2D( sceneDepthSampler, IN.ScreenTC.xy ).r;

float2 randTC;
randTC.xy = IN.ScreenTC.xy*256;
float3 rotSample = tex2D(sRotSampler AO, randTC+float2(SceneDepth,SceneDepth)).rgb;
rotSample = 2.0 * rotSample - 1.0;
rotSample.xyz = normalize(rotSample.xyz);

// define kernel
float scale = 0.02;
float3 irreg_kernel[8] =
float3(0.527837, -0.085868 ,0.527837) * scale,
float3(-0.040088, 0.536087, -0.04008 * scale,
float3(-0.670445, -0.179949, -0.670445) * scale,
float3(-0.419418, -0.616039, -0.41941 * scale,
float3(0.440453, -0.639399, 0.440453) * scale,
float3(-0.757088, 0.349334, -0.75708 * scale,
float3(0.574619, 0.685879,0.574619) * scale,
float3(0.03851, -0.939059, 0.03851) * scale

// get rotatiojn matrix
float3x3 rotMat;
GetRotationV0Terrain(rotSample, rotMat);

float fDistScale = 0.5 / saturate(SceneDepth);

// sample
float fSkyAccess = 0;
for(float i=0; i<8; i++)
float3 irregSample = mul(irreg_kernel, rotMat);
float2 ScreenTC2 = IN.ScreenTC.xy + irregSample.xy * fDistScale;
float SceneDepth2 = tex2D( sceneDepthSampler, ScreenTC2 ).r;
float fRange = abs(SceneDepth2-SceneDepth)*12;
fSkyAccess += lerp(saturate(SceneDepth2>(SceneDepth+irregSample. z)), .75, saturate(fRange));

OUT.Color = saturate(fSkyAccess*0.25);
return OUT;

sampler2D sRotSampler4x4_16 = sampler_state
Texture = $16PointsOnSphere;
MinFilter = POINT;
MagFilter = POINT;
MipFilter = NONE;
AddressU = Wrap;
AddressV = Wrap;
sampler2D sRotSampler4x4 = sampler_state
Texture = Textures/Defaults/noise4x4.dds;
MinFilter = POINT;
MagFilter = POINT;
MipFilter = NONE;
AddressU = Wrap;
AddressV = Wrap;
// vPlane should be normalized
// the returned vector has the same length as vDir
float3 mirror( float3 vDir, float3 vPlane )
return vDir - 2 * vPlane * dot(vPlane,vDir);
float GetVarianceAO(sampler2D depthMap, float3 p)
float2 moments = tex2D( depthMap, p.xy ).xy;

// Variance shadow mapping
float M = moments.r; //mean

//TD invesigate: we calculate variance in non-shifted by 0.5 space here
//is it correct
float E_x2 = moments.g;
float Ex_2 = M * M;
float variance = (E_x2 - Ex_2);//decrease range of variance to increase precision for 16-bit formats

float m_d = M - p.z;
float p_max = variance / (variance + m_d * m_d);

// Standard shadow map comparison
float lit_factor = m_d > -0.001;

//select properly shadow region because of one-tailed version of inequality
float shadow = max(lit_factor, p_max);
return shadow;

sampler2D SSAO_Sampler_0 : register(s4);
MinFilter = LINEAR;
MagFilter = LINEAR;
MipFilter = NONE;
AddressU = Wrap;
AddressV = Wrap;

sampler2D SSAO_Sampler_1 : register(s5);
MinFilter = LINEAR;
MagFilter = LINEAR;
MipFilter = NONE;
AddressU = Wrap;
AddressV = Wrap;

sampler2D SSAO_Sampler_2 : register(s6);
MinFilter = LINEAR;
MagFilter = LINEAR;
MipFilter = NONE;
AddressU = Wrap;
AddressV = Wrap;

sampler2D SSAO_Sampler_3 : register(s7);
MinFilter = LINEAR;
MagFilter = LINEAR;
MipFilter = NONE;
AddressU = Wrap;
AddressV = Wrap;

sampler2D SSAO_Sampler_4 : register(s;
MinFilter = LINEAR;
MagFilter = LINEAR;
MipFilter = NONE;
AddressU = Wrap;
AddressV = Wrap;

sampler2D SSAO_Sampler_5 : register(s9);
MinFilter = LINEAR;
MagFilter = LINEAR;
MipFilter = NONE;
AddressU = Wrap;
AddressV = Wrap;

sampler2D SSAO_Sampler_6 : register(s10);
MinFilter = LINEAR;
MagFilter = LINEAR;
MipFilter = NONE;
AddressU = Wrap;
AddressV = Wrap;

sampler2D SSAO_Sampler_7 : register(s11);
MinFilter = LINEAR;
MagFilter = LINEAR;
MipFilter = NONE;
AddressU = Wrap;
AddressV = Wrap;

pixout_cl Deferred_SSAO_Pass_PS_DepthBlurBased(vert2fragSSAO IN)
pixout_cl OUT;

// float3 p = float3( IN.ScreenTC.xy, tex2D( sceneDepthSampler, IN.ScreenTC.xy ).r );
//OUT.Color = GetVarianceAO( SSAO_Sampler_3, p );

float fSceneDepth = tex2D( sceneDepthSampler, IN.ScreenTC.xy ).r;

float4 arrSceneDepthBlur[8];
arrSceneDepthBlur[0] = tex2D( SSAO_Sampler_0, IN.ScreenTC.xy );
arrSceneDepthBlur[1] = tex2D( SSAO_Sampler_1, IN.ScreenTC.xy );
arrSceneDepthBlur[2] = tex2D( SSAO_Sampler_2, IN.ScreenTC.xy );
arrSceneDepthBlur[3] = tex2D( SSAO_Sampler_3, IN.ScreenTC.xy );
arrSceneDepthBlur[4] = tex2D( SSAO_Sampler_4, IN.ScreenTC.xy );
arrSceneDepthBlur[5] = tex2D( SSAO_Sampler_5, IN.ScreenTC.xy );
arrSceneDepthBlur[6] = tex2D( SSAO_Sampler_6, IN.ScreenTC.xy );
arrSceneDepthBlur[7] = tex2D( SSAO_Sampler_7, IN.ScreenTC.xy );

OUT.Color = 0;

int nSamples = 3;
int nStart = 0;

for(int t=nStart; t<nStart+nSamples; t++)
float2 blurredDepth = arrSceneDepthBlur[t].xy;
float fFix = saturate((fSceneDepth-blurredDepth.g-0.01)*(146.f / (1.f+t*2.f)));
float fRes = 0;
fRes += fFix;
fRes += saturate(1-(fSceneDepth*0.999f - blurredDepth.r)*400.f*saturate(1.f-blurredDepth.g));
fRes = saturate(fRes);

OUT.Color += fRes/nSamples;

return OUT;

technique Deferred_SSAO_Pass_DepthBlurBased
//Shadow pass
pass p0
VertexShader = compile vs_2_0 Deferred_SSAO_Pass_VS();

ZEnable = false;
ZWriteEnable = false;
CullMode = None;

PixelShader = compile ps_2_x Deferred_SSAO_Pass_PS_DepthBlurBased();

/* SSIL test by Vlad
pixout_cl Deferred_SSIL_Pass_PS(vert2fragSSAO IN)
pixout_cl OUT;

// define kernelw
const half step = 1.4;//(1.f - 1.f/8.f);
float n = .1;
const half fScale = 0.025f/2;

const int nCount = 16;

const half3 arrKernel[nCount] =
float3(0.527837, -0.085868 ,0.527837) *fScale*(n*=step),
float3(-0.040088, 0.536087, -0.04008 *fScale*(n*=step),
float3(-0.670445, -0.179949, -0.670445) *fScale*(n*=step),
float3(-0.419418, -0.616039, -0.41941 *fScale*(n*=step),
float3(0.440453, -0.639399, 0.440453) *fScale*(n*=step),
float3(-0.757088, 0.349334, -0.75708 *fScale*(n*=step),
float3(0.574619, 0.685879,0.574619) *fScale*(n*=step),
float3(0.03851, -0.939059, 0.03851) *fScale*(n*=step),
float3(0.527837, -0.085868 ,0.527837) *fScale*(n*=step),
float3(-0.040088, 0.536087, -0.04008 *fScale*(n*=step),
float3(-0.670445, -0.179949, -0.670445) *fScale*(n*=step),
float3(-0.419418, -0.616039, -0.41941 *fScale*(n*=step),
float3(0.440453, -0.639399, 0.440453) *fScale*(n*=step),
float3(-0.757088, 0.349334, -0.75708 *fScale*(n*=step),
float3(0.574619, 0.685879,0.574619) *fScale*(n*=step),
float3(0.03851, -0.939059, 0.03851) *fScale*(n*=step),

// create random rot matrix
half3 rotSample = tex2D(sRotSampler4x4_16, IN.ScreenTC.zw).rgb;
rotSample = normalize((2.0 * rotSample - 1.0));

// read actual RGB and depth
float4 vRootNNND = tex2D( sceneDepthSampler, IN.ScreenTC.xy ).yzwx;
half fSceneDepth = vRootNNND.w;

// get root pixel normal
// float fNormScale = 256; // same as in TexToTexPS
//half3 WSPos = float3(IN.ScreenTC.xy, fSceneDepth*fNormScale);
float3 vNorm = vRootNNND.xyz;//normalize(cross(ddx(WSPos),ddy(WSPos)));

// range/scale conversions
half fSceneDepthM = fSceneDepth * PS_NearFarClipDist.y;
half3 vSampleScale = SSAO_params.zzw*2;
float fDepthRangeScale = PS_NearFarClipDist.y / vSampleScale.z * 0.85f;
vSampleScale.xy *= 1.0f / fSceneDepthM;
vSampleScale.z *= 2.0f / PS_NearFarClipDist.y;

float fDepthTestSoftness = 8.f/vSampleScale.z;

half4 vIndLight = 0.f;

float3 vRGB0 = tex2D( sceneBackBufferSampler, IN.ScreenTC.xy );

for(int i=0; i<nCount; i++)
half3 vIrrSample = mirror(arrKernel, rotSample) * vSampleScale;

float2 tc = IN.ScreenTC.xy + vIrrSample.xy;

float3 vRGB = tex2D( sceneBackBufferSampler, tc );

float4 vNNND = tex2D( sceneDepthSampler, tc ).yzwx;

vNNND.a += vIrrSample.z;

float fDepthTest = 1-saturate(0.75*abs(vNNND.a-fSceneDepth)*fDepthTestSoftness + 0.25*(vNNND.a-fSceneDepth)*fDepthTestSoftness);

half fDistance = fSceneDepth - vNNND.a;

float fDot = saturate((dot(-vNorm,vNNND.xyz)+1.0f));

float fDistanceScaled = fDistance * fDepthRangeScale * 2;

float fRangeIsValid = 1;//1-saturate( abs(fDistanceScaled) );

float fSceneDepth2 = vNNND.a;
float fRangeIsInvalid = saturate( abs(fSceneDepth-fSceneDepth2) * fDepthRangeScale );
fRangeIsInvalid = (saturate( abs(fDistanceScaled) ) + saturate( fDistanceScaled ))/2;
vIndLight.a += lerp(saturate((fSceneDepth2-fSceneDepth)*fDepthTestSoftness*16), 1, fRangeIsInvalid);

// vIndLight.rgb += lerp(1.f,vRGB*2-1,sqrt(fRangeIsValid*fDepthTest*fDot));
vIndLight.rgb += lerp(1,vRGB-0.33,sqrt(fDepthTest*fDot*4));

vIndLight.rgb = 3*(vIndLight.rgb - (vIndLight.rgb.x+vIndLight.rgb.y+vIndLight.rgb.z)* 0.3333f)
+ (vIndLight.rgb.x+vIndLight.rgb.y+vIndLight.rgb.z)* 0.3333f;

vIndLight = vIndLight / nCount;

OUT.Color.rgb = lerp(saturate(vIndLight.xyz), 1, saturate(vIndLight.a*6-2));
// OUT.Color.rgb = saturate(vIndLight.a*4-1.3);
// OUT.Color.rgb = saturate(vIndLight.rgb);
OUT.Color.a = 1;

return OUT;

pixout_cl Deferred_SSAO_Pass_PS(vert2fragSSAO IN)
pixout_cl OUT;

// define kernel
const half step = 1.f - 1.f/8.f;
half n = 0;
const half fScale = 0.025f;
const half3 arrKernel[8] =
normalize(half3( 1, 1, 1))*fScale*(n+=step),
normalize(half3(-1,-1, 1))*fScale*(n+=step),
normalize(half3(-1, 1,-1))*fScale*(n+=step),
normalize(half3(-1, 1 ,1))*fScale*(n+=step),
normalize(half3( 1,-1,-1))*fScale*(n+=step),
normalize(half3( 1,-1, 1))*fScale*(n+=step),
normalize(half3( 1, 1,-1))*fScale*(n+=step),

// create random rot matrix
half3 rotSample = tex2D(sRotSampler4x4_16, IN.ScreenTC.zw).rgb;
rotSample = (2.0 * rotSample - 1.0);

half fSceneDepth = tex2D( sceneDepthSampler, IN.ScreenTC.xy ).r;

// range conversions
half fSceneDepthM = fSceneDepth * PS_NearFarClipDist.y;

half3 vSampleScale = SSAO_params.zzw
* saturate(fSceneDepthM / 5.3f) // make area smaller if distance less than 5 meters
* (1.f + fSceneDepthM / 8.f ); // make area bigger if distance more than 32 meters

float fDepthRangeScale = PS_NearFarClipDist.y / vSampleScale.z * 0.85f;

// convert from meters into SS units
vSampleScale.xy *= 1.0f / fSceneDepthM;
vSampleScale.z *= 2.0f / PS_NearFarClipDist.y;

float fDepthTestSoftness = 64.f/vSampleScale.z;

// sample
half4 vSkyAccess = 0.f;
half4 arrSceneDepth2[2];
half3 vIrrSample;
half4 vDistance;
float4 fRangeIsInvalid;

const half bHQ = (GetShaderQuality()==QUALITY_HIGH);

float fHQScale = 0.5f;

for(int i=0; i<2; i++)
vIrrSample = mirror(arrKernel[i*4+0], rotSample) * vSampleScale;
arrSceneDepth2[0].x = tex2D( sceneDepthSamplerAO, IN.ScreenTC.xy + vIrrSample.xy ).r + vIrrSample.z;
if (bHQ)
vIrrSample.xyz *= fHQScale;
arrSceneDepth2[1].x = tex2D( sceneDepthSamplerAO, IN.ScreenTC.xy + vIrrSample.xy ).r + vIrrSample.z;

vIrrSample = mirror(arrKernel[i*4+1], rotSample) * vSampleScale;
arrSceneDepth2[0].y = tex2D( sceneDepthSamplerAO, IN.ScreenTC.xy + vIrrSample.xy ).r + vIrrSample.z;
if (bHQ)
vIrrSample.xyz *= fHQScale;
arrSceneDepth2[1].y = tex2D( sceneDepthSamplerAO, IN.ScreenTC.xy + vIrrSample.xy ).r + vIrrSample.z;

vIrrSample = mirror(arrKernel[i*4+2], rotSample) * vSampleScale;
arrSceneDepth2[0].z = tex2D( sceneDepthSamplerAO, IN.ScreenTC.xy + vIrrSample.xy ).r + vIrrSample.z;
if (bHQ)
vIrrSample.xyz *= fHQScale;
arrSceneDepth2[1].z = tex2D( sceneDepthSamplerAO, IN.ScreenTC.xy + vIrrSample.xy ).r + vIrrSample.z;

vIrrSample = mirror(arrKernel[i*4+3], rotSample) * vSampleScale;
arrSceneDepth2[0].w = tex2D( sceneDepthSamplerAO, IN.ScreenTC.xy + vIrrSample.xy ).r + vIrrSample.z;
if (bHQ)
vIrrSample.xyz *= fHQScale;
arrSceneDepth2[1].w = tex2D( sceneDepthSamplerAO, IN.ScreenTC.xy + vIrrSample.xy ).r + vIrrSample.z;

float fDefVal = 0.55f;

for(int s=0; s<(bHQ ? 2 : 1); s++)
vDistance = fSceneDepth - arrSceneDepth2;
float4 vDistanceScaled = vDistance * fDepthRangeScale;
fRangeIsInvalid = (saturate( abs(vDistanceScaled) ) + saturate( vDistanceScaled ))/2;
vSkyAccess += lerp(saturate((-vDistance)*fDepthTestSoftness), fDefVal, fRangeIsInvalid);

OUT.Color = dot( vSkyAccess, (bHQ ? 1/16.0f : 1/8.0f)*2.0 ) - SSAO_params.y; // 0.075f
OUT.Color = saturate(lerp( 0.9f, OUT.Color, SSAO_params.x ));

return OUT;

/*pixout_cl Deferred_SSAO_Pass_PS_Ref(vert2fragSSAO IN)
pixout_cl OUT;

// define kernel
const half step = 1.f - 1.f/8.f;
half n = 0;
const half fScale = 0.025f;
const half3 arrKernel[8] =
normalize(half3( 1, 1, 1))*fScale*(n+=step),
normalize(half3(-1,-1, 1))*fScale*(n+=step),
normalize(half3(-1, 1,-1))*fScale*(n+=step),
normalize(half3(-1, 1 ,1))*fScale*(n+=step),
normalize(half3( 1,-1,-1))*fScale*(n+=step),
normalize(half3( 1,-1, 1))*fScale*(n+=step),
normalize(half3( 1, 1,-1))*fScale*(n+=step),

// create random rot matrix
half3 rotSample = tex2D(sRotSampler4x4_16, IN.ScreenTC.zw).rgb;
rotSample = normalize(2.0 * rotSample - 1.0);
half3x3 rotMat;
GetRotationV0(rotSample, rotMat);

half fSceneDepth = tex2D( sceneDepthSampler, IN.ScreenTC.xy ).r;

// range conversions
half fSceneDepthM = fSceneDepth * PS_NearFarClipDist.y;

// define sampling area size
half3 vSampleScale = SSAO_params.zzw
* saturate(fSceneDepthM / 5.3f) // make area smaller if distance less than 5 meters
* (1.f + fSceneDepthM / 8.f ); // make area bigger if distance more than 32 meters

float fDepthRangeScale = PS_NearFarClipDist.y / vSampleScale.z * 0.75f;

// convert from meters into SS units
vSampleScale.xy *= 1.0f / fSceneDepthM;
vSampleScale.z *= 2.0f / PS_NearFarClipDist.y;

// sample
half fSkyAccess = 0.f;
float fDepthTestSoftness = 32.f/vSampleScale.z;
half3 irregSample;
half fSceneDepth2;
float fRangeIsInvalid;
for(int i=0; i<8; i++)
irregSample = mul(arrKernel, rotMat) * vSampleScale;
fSceneDepth2 = tex2D(sceneDepthSamplerAO, IN.ScreenTC.xy + irregSample.xy ).r-irregSample.z;
fRangeIsInvalid = saturate( abs(fSceneDepth-fSceneDepth2) * fDepthRangeScale );
fSkyAccess += lerp(saturate((fSceneDepth2-fSceneDepth)*fDepthTestSoftness), 0.6f, fRangeIsInvalid);

OUT.Color = saturate(1.3f+((SSAO_params.x-1.f)*0.35)-pow(1.f-fSkyAccess/7.0f,3)*2.5f*SSAO_params.x);

return OUT;

//////////////////////////////// technique ////////////////

pixout_cl Deferred_FillLight_Pass_PS(vert2fragSSAO IN)
pixout_cl OUT;

// reconstruct WS position
half SceneDepth = tex2D( depthTargetSampler, IN.ScreenTC.xy ).r;
half3 WSPos = vfViewPos.xyz + IN.WS_ViewVect * SceneDepth;

// simple lighting
half3 vLightDir = FillLightPos.xyz-WSPos.xyz;
OUT.Color = saturate(1.f-length(vLightDir) / FillLightPos.w);

#if %USE_SM30
float NdotL = saturate(dot(normalize(vLightDir),normalize(cross( ddy(WSPos),ddx(WSPos)))));
OUT.Color *= (NdotL*0.6666f+0.3333f);
OUT.Color = pow(OUT.Color,2);

// range scale
OUT.Color *= FillLightColor.x / 8.f;

return OUT;

pixout_cl Deferred_TerrainAO_Pass_PS(vert2fragSSAO IN)
pixout_cl OUT;

// reconstruct pixel world position
half SceneDepth = tex2D( depthTargetSampler, IN.ScreenTC.xy ).r;
float3 vWSPos = vfViewPos.xyz + IN.WS_ViewVect * SceneDepth;

// find terrain texture coordinates
float2 texCoord = float2((vWSPos.y-AOSectorRange.y), (vWSPos.x-AOSectorRange.x)) * TerrainAOInfo.w;

// get terrain and vegetation elevations
half4 dataS0 = tex2D( TerrainInfoSampler0, texCoord );
half4 dataS1 = tex2D( TerrainInfoSampler1, texCoord );
half fTerrainZ = dataS1.a*(AOSectorRange.w-AOSectorRange.z)+AOSectorRange.z;
half fVegetZMax = fTerrainZ + dataS1.g*32.f;

// get initial sky amount, TODO: try pow() here
OUT.Color = saturate(1.f-TerrainAOInfo.g*(fVegetZMax-vWSPos.z));

// scale based on sky amount precomputed for terrain
half fTerrainSkyAmount = dataS0.a * saturate(1.f - (fTerrainZ-vWSPos.z)*0.025f);
OUT.Color = lerp(OUT.Color,1.f,fTerrainSkyAmount);

// lerp into pure terrain sky amount near the ground
half fHeightFactor = saturate((vWSPos.z-fTerrainZ)*0.5f);
OUT.Color = lerp(fTerrainSkyAmount,OUT.Color,fHeightFactor);

// apply sky brightening and fade on distance
half fDistAtt = saturate(pow(SceneDepth*PS_NearFarClipDist.y/1024.f,3));
OUT.Color = lerp(1.f, OUT.Color, (1.f - TerrainAOInfo.r)*(1.f - fDistAtt));

return OUT;

technique Deferred_SSAO_Pass
//Shadow pass
pass p0
VertexShader = compile vs_2_0 Deferred_SSAO_Pass_VS();

ZEnable = false;
ZWriteEnable = false;
CullMode = None;

PixelShader = compile ps_2_x Deferred_SSAO_Pass_PS();

technique Deferred_TerrainAO_Pass
//Shadow pass
pass p0
VertexShader = compile vs_2_0 Deferred_SSAO_Pass_VS();

ZEnable = false;
ZWriteEnable = false;
CullMode = None;

PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 Deferred_TerrainAO_Pass_PS();

technique Deferred_FillLight_Pass
//Shadow pass
pass p0
VertexShader = compile vs_2_0 Deferred_SSAO_Pass_VS();

ZEnable = false;
ZWriteEnable = false;
CullMode = None;

#if %USE_SM30
PixelShader = compile ps_3_0 Deferred_FillLight_Pass_PS();
PixelShader = compile ps_2_x Deferred_FillLight_Pass_PS();

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